


  • 主题魔改
  • 自动同步cnblogs
  • 自动GitHub备份源文件
  • 启用Submodule进行管理
  • config在private repo中备份


Personal Blog -

Personal blog of Haoyun Qin. Powered by Hexo & Next


Project Tree

=================================================================== (Private)
├── hexo-theme-next (Submodule, Private)
│       Description: Modified theme of NeXT.
│       Directory: ./themes/next/
├── hexo-cnblogs-sync (Submodule, Public)
│   |   Description: Scripts for syncing service to cnblogs.
│   │   Directory: ./scripts_cnblogs/
│   ├── config (Folder)
│   │   ├── blog_config.json (File, Ignored)
│   │   │       Description: Configuration file of cnblogs account.
│   │   └── header.html (File): Cnblogs template.
│   ├── data (Folder, Ignored)
│   │   └── blog_data.json (File, Ignored)
│   │       Description: Information of synced articles. (e.g. id)
│   └── Sync script.
├── hexo-cnblogs-generated (Submodule, Private)
|       Description: Files for cnblogs, used for syncing directly.
|       Directory: ./public_cnblogs/
├── public (Folder, Ignored)
|       Description: Temporary Deploy Folder for htmls.
└── config_cnblogs (Folder, Should not be modified manually)
        Description: Contains config files, important for migration

Deploying Commands

Step 1: Generate & Check

hexo clean  # Clean the previously generated file (Not compulsory)
hexo generate
hexo server # Start local server to check the work

Step 2: Deploy — Deploy to the website repository.

hexo deploy

Step 3: Sync to cnblogs

cd scripts_cnblogs # Important, the script only work in this directory
python  # Note: some dependencies are needed

Step 4: Version Control (If needed)

The following directories should be concerned:

  • ./ — Main Project
  • ./themes/next/ — Theme Project
  • ./scripts_cnblogs/ — Script Project
  • ./public_cnblogs/ — Cnblogs output repository

Project Migrating

Step 1: Clone the main project. (Along with the submodule)

Step 2: Migrate (Copy) the needed configuration files.

  • ./scripts_cnblogs/data/
  • ./scripts_cnblogs/config/blog_config.json

If syncing everything is properly synced, you can find the files in config_cnblogs just in the root directory.

最后修改:2021 年 01 月 02 日 10 : 57 AM